Bean Basics


Beans are the abstract data structure of Gridgo aim to transparent data format and make easier to sending via network.

Bean’s structure is json-like, which support reference in additional.

To use bean in your project, just add maven dependency:



BElement ------------------------------------------------------ AbstractBElement
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                    +-------------+------------+
    |                                                    |             |            |
    +-- BValue ----------------------------------- MutableBValue       |            |
    |                                                                  |            |
    +-- BReference ------------------------------------------- MutableBReference    |
    |                                                                               |
    +-- BContainer -------------------------------------------------------- AbstractBContainer
            |                                                                       |
            |                                                           +-----------+-----------+
            |                                                           |                       |
            +-- BObject ---------------------------------------- AbstractBObject                |
            |       |                                                   |                       |
            |       +-- WrappedBObject ----+                +-----------+----------+            |
            |       |                      |                |                      |            |
            |       +-- ImmutableBObject --+------ WrappedImmutableBObject    MutableBObject    |
            |                                                                                   |
            +-- BArray ------------------------------------------------------------------ AbstractBArray
                    |                                                                           |
                    +-- WrappedBArray -----+                                        +-----------+-----------+
                    |                      |                                        |                       |
                    +-- ImmutableBArray ---+---------------------------- WrappedImmutableBArray        MutableBArray


is the ancestor of all bean types. It’s useful if you want to create a bean from any type.
wraps any object as a reference.
wraps any value which is primitive: Boolean, Character, String, Number (byte, short, int, long, float, double, BigInteger, BigDecimal), raw binary (byte[]). BValue can also convert any primitive to other (primitive) types.
base class for any BElement type which can contains other BElement.
defines a key-value data structure.
defines a sequence data structure.


Using static methods define in top interface to create correlative instance:

Mutable instances

  • BReference.of(data): create a mutable instance of BReference
  • BValue.of(data): create a mutable instance of BValue which wrap data as its source.
  • BObject.ofEmpty(), BObject.of(Map<?,?>): create a mutable instance of BObject which is empty or auto convert map to a BObject
  • BArray.ofEmpty(), BArray.of(collection or array): create a mutable instance of BArray which is empty or auto convert (collection | array) into a BArray

in case you don’t know which type of data want to convert to BElement, use: BElement.ofAny(data)

Immutable instances

  • BObject.wrap(map): wrap the input map in a WrappedImmutableBObject
  • BArray.wrap(collecion or array): wrap the input (collection or array) in a WrappedImmutableBArray

In case you don’t know which kind of data which want to wrap, use: BElement.wrapAny(data)

Working with pojo

If you have a pojo object and want to convert it to BObject, you can use BObject.ofPojo().


BElement support multi kind of data serialization:


  • JSON
    can be accessed by BElement.toJson() and BElement.fromJson(...)
  • XML
    can be accessed by BElement.toXml() and BElement.fromXml(...)
  • Msgpack
    can be accessed by BElement.toBytes() and BElement.fromBytes(...) (msgpack set as default binary serializer if the system property name gridgo.bean.serializer.binary.default is unset)