Using a custom RegistryΒΆ

Normally connectors will only require simple key-value configuration to work, but some might require specific bean instances. Bean are created and registered in Registry, where they can be lookup later. One example is the MongoDBConnector which requires an instance of MongoClient. To use those connectors, you will need to create the bean instances and register them inside the Registry.

// create the MongoClient bean
var mongoClient = MongoClient.create();

// register the bean
var myRegistry = new SimpleRegistry().register("mongoBean", mongoClient);

// create the context with the custom registry
var context = new DefaultGridgoContextBuilder().setName("application").setRegistry(myRegistry).build();

// later on you can look up the bean using the provided name
mongoClient = context.getRegistry().lookup("mongoBean", MongoClient.class);

Another use case of Registry is to store some settings, which can be required for application to run. Since 0.2.0 you can also substitute the settings value in a connector endpoint.


Since 0.2.0, you can register new entry after creating the Registry.