Configuring an execution policy

When subscribing to Gateway’s incoming messages, you can optionally configure an Execution Policy. Execution policies allow you to control in which condition and how the processors will be executed. For example, to only execute a processor in a particular condition:

var gateway = context.openGateway("myGateway")
                     .when(" > 1") // only execute the Processor if payload body is numeric and greater than 1

Or, to execute the processor using a particular strategy, ExecutorService for instance:

var gateway = context.openGateway("myGateway")
                     .when(" > 1")
                     .using(new ExecutorExecutionStrategy(8))

Calling .subscribe() will actually return a HandlerSubscription, which you can call .when() and .using() upon. This is called fluent-style API. To return the flow back to Gateway, you will call .finishSubscribing().