Transaction in Processors

Gridgo supports asynchronous transaction through messaging. If a gateway is attached with a connector which supports Transaction (more on this later), a Processor can use it to call requests, commit or rollback the transaction.

Transactions are done through object. To make gateway agnostic of transaction, the creation of the Transaction object is done via Message (see Behind the scene section). A Processor can also implements TransactionProcessor interface, which provides utility methods for handling transactions.

Creating and processing transactions

There are several ways to create and process transactions. All of the following code are valid and are exactly the same. createTransaction and withTransaction methods are provided by TransactionProcessor

  1. Create, commit and rollback transaction manually
createTransaction(gateway).done(transaction -> {
    // use the Transaction object to query and commit/rollback manually
    transaction.callAny("insert into some_table values(..)")
               .pipeDone(result -> doSomethingWithResult())
               .done(result -> transaction.commit())
               .fail(ex -> transaction.rollback());
}).fail(ex -> logger.error("Cannot create transaction", ex));
  1. Create transaction automatically but commit/rollback manually
// create transaction automatically but still commit/rollback manually
withTransaction(gateway, transaction -> {
    transaction.callAny("insert into some_table values(..)")
               .pipeDone(result -> doSomethingWithResult())
               .done(result -> transaction.commit())
               .fail(ex -> transaction.rollback())
}).fail(ex -> logger.error("Cannot create transaction", ex));
  1. Create transaction manually and use provided deferred to commit/rollback
// create transaction automatically and use provided deferred to commit/rollback
// the transaction will be committed when deferred is resolved, and rolled back
// when it is rejected
withTransaction(gateway, (transaction, deferred) -> {
    transaction.callAny("insert into some_table values(..)")
               .pipeDone(result -> doSomethingWithResult())
}).fail(ex -> logger.error("Cannot create transaction", ex));
  1. Create transaction automatically and return a promise to commit/rollback
// create transaction automatically and return a promise to let Gridgo knows
// when to commit/rollback the transaction.
withTransaction(gateway, transaction -> {
    return transaction.callAny("insert into some_table values(..)")
                      .pipeDone(result -> doSomethingWithResult());
}).fail(ex -> logger.error("Cannot create transaction", ex));